Sunday, April 21, 2019

Install Latest Php Centos 6

We can enable remi repo related to a particualar php version. for php 5.6, we can enable remi-php56 repo. for php 7.0, we can enable remi-php70 repo. then remi-php71 for php7.1 and so on till php 7.3. here we are going to install latest stable php 7.2 on our server so we will enable the remi-php72 repo.. Install php 5.4, php 5.5 or php 5.6 on centos 6. 3. once epel, remi and yum-utils has been installed, you can now move ahead to install php 5.4, php 5.5 or php 5.6 with all required modules on centos 6 distribution by enabling remi repository using yum-config-manager command as shown.. Install minimal centos 6.6 with latest php and percona server 5.6 being freebsd user for years make lazy to try something new