In adventure mode, you explore the naruto world as the titular character, while collecting things, fighting and helping others. there is a main quest line that follows naruto, hinata, and sakura. Ebisu's ninja tasks - naruto shippuden: ultimate ninja storm 4: you can find ebisu in the hidden leaf village near the main entrance. speaking with him initiates the "50 ninja tasks" side quest. For naruto shippuden: ultimate ninja storm 3 on the playstation 3, a gamefaqs message board topic titled "side-quest locations?"..
Naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 3 story side quests
For naruto shippuden: ultimate ninja storm 3 on the playstation 3, a gamefaqs message board topic titled "i need help with this konohamaru side quest... [possible spoilers]".. Like/share/subscribe k