Resident evil hd remaster; few questions on crimson heads; user info: falcon182. falcon182 3 years ago #1. so i just encountered my first crimson head, wasn't expecting it so early in the game! it wound up with nightmare on elm st. as the reason i had near insomnia for a year lol. the gcn remake i appreciated, but i almost completely relied. The crimson head is one possible mutation a zombie can experience, depending on the strain of t-virus it is infected with. the v-act process is responsible for its crimson skin, earning it its name. the v-act process is responsible for its crimson skin, earning it its name.. The crimson head prototype is a boss in resident evil hd remaster. be sure to bring either a shotgun or grenade launcher to this encounter, as well as at least one health item and a defense item..
Resident evil hd remake cqc ftw knife only, crimson head
The crimson heads and lickers trace their existence to a mutant t-virus strain being worked on at the arklay laboratory. the result of the mutation in a human test subject created the crimson head prototype 1.. If remake 2 was not in fact remake 2 and was resident evil 8 change the environments to say dulvey, change the cast to new characters and link the story to resident evil 7 then i would probably love this game.. After 20 minutes to an hour, sometimes less, in resident evil 1 remake on the gamecube, deceased zombies will resurrect as crimson heads. crimson heads are a type of zombie (named v-act by umbrella) and can run, jump, and sport small claws..